These Summer-themed color sheets were created to help students practice the music rhythm and beat. Coloring is always great fun for kids of all ages and all abilities.
This set contains 12 summer-themed pages in two different formats:
~ The first version asks for students to add the number of beats and color the pictures using the key.
~ The second version asks for students to add the number of beats and make their own color key.
+ 12 answer pages.
Notes and rests used:
~1-2 p.~: Half rest, Half note, Quarter note, 2 Eighth notes, Quarter rest, Eighth rest.
~ 3p.~: Whole note, Half rest, Half note, Quarter note, 2 Eighth notes, Quarter rest, Eighth rest.
~4p.~: Whole note, Whole rest, Half rest, Half note, Quarter note, Quarter rest, Eighth note.
~5-6 p.~: 2 Eighth notes, Eighth note, 4 Sixteenth notes, Half note, Quarter rest, Eighth rest.
~7p.~: Triplet, 2 Eighth notes, Eighth note, 2 Sixteenth notes, Half note, Quarter note, Quarter rest, Eighth rest.
~ 8-10 p.~: Dotted Quarter note, Quarter note, dotted Eighth note, Eighth note, Sixteenth note, Quarter rest, Eighth rest, Sixteenth rest.
~ 11-12 p.~ : review pages
These worksheets can be printed for use at school, intersession camps, or be sent home for remote learning.